Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Choices

hey bloggerz..
i hav some choices to make..
u hav to help me to make a decision.. plizzzzz....

ok, here r the choices... do i suppose to take an old job of mine or a new job..
i mean by my old job is work in a restaurant n the new job is a boutique..
so?? which is the perfect choice?? i'm confius now.. i dont which want is suppose me to choose.
aaarrgghh!! it get my brain gone crazy.... restaurant or boutique???
which one the best... plizzz... i need an answer... somebody help me!!!

so, what is ur answer for me?? can i now it.. A.S.A.P... its important..
thnx u guyz :)

Having A Long Break

hye evryone..
long time i din update my blog rite..
i know that evryone of u guyz want to know a new story from me...
ok, i will tell u guyz..

its about my break for 2 month.. it is really long period for me.. but nvm, i will use it to earn my money for my studies... furthermore, now i'm staying outside from college so, i need n extra money for the rent.. it is very hard to work for it coz i need to use a lot of energy.. but now i'm not working yet.. i'm gonna get to work on next week.. i want to hav some fun first b4 get bz.. so, i need to get ready a lot of energy to get to work n earn money from now on... i need ur spprt u guyz..

that is my new story.. hehe.. a little bit messy coz i'm in a boring day..
thnx 4 reading :)